Predictive Analytics Software for Smart City Water Infrastructure
Product Portfolio
Sold and supported under the umbrella of the infinitii dataworks platform, infinitii ai's Smart City Water infrastructure product portfolio is focused on Machine Learning (ML) capabilities, and includes the following products:
infinitii flowworks pro
infinitii flowworks pro includes all the features of infinitii flowworks+, then adds infinitii face pro for advanced ML calculations and infinitii api pro which allows allows developers to extract site, channel and data point information for their sites using a RESTful web service. infinitii flowworks pro grants further integration points and unlimited data transactions.
For more information, contact our Sales Team.

infinitii flowworks
Trusted and operating in a growing customer base of North America's largest Smart City water infrastructure utilities since 2014, infinitii flowworks is a powerful predictive analytics software suite that performs real-time analysis, checks flow monitoring status and sets alarms through a single interface accepting all types of data from any source.
Click here for the infinitii flowworks datasheet.
For more information, contact our Sales Team.

infinitii auto qa/qc
infinitii auto qa/qc performs Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Control (QC) on any sensor data shifts or outliers that may distort results or falsely trigger alerts. Machine Learning models provide different courses of action based on data identified from sensor errors. Click here for datasheet.
For more information, contact our Sales Team.

infinitii cso predict
infinitii cso predict predicts sewer/stormwater and Combined Sewage Overflow (CSO) events at discharge points in a sewer/stormwater system.
The application identifies when and where a collection system’s overflows will take place up to seven days in advance.
For more information, contact our Sales Team.

infinitii api connect
infinitii api connect is the interface that infinitii flowworks+ uses to read, write or update all data and source information stored in flowworks. Data transaction rates apply.
For more information, contact our Sales Team.

infinitii api pro
infinitii api pro allows developers to extract site, channel and data point information for their sites using a RESTful web service. It grants further integration points and unlimited data transactions.
For more information, contact our Sales Team.

infinitii flowworks+
infinitii flowworks+ includes all the features of infinitii flowworks, then adds manual I&I pump station calculator, and rainfall Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) analysis, infinitii face (Floworks Advanced Calcluation Engine) and infinitii api connect to read, write or update all stored data and source information (data transaction rates apply).
For more information, contact our Sales Team.

infinitii face pro
infinitii face pro is a streaming analytics application for data transformation that allows you to add logic and algorithms for real-time processing. Users can deploy Machine Learning to manage and operationalize production-ready models for generating new data or output events such as predictions. You can build analytic models that act on sensor data or other data sources with its built-in script editor, using existing scripts from open source libraries or ones you create. Click here for case study.
For more information, contact our Sales Team.

infinitii auto i&i
infinitii auto i&i (Infiltration & Inflow) provides tools for detailed analysis of storm events.
infinitii i&i lets you see how the storm event proceeded over time, and how this relates to your RDII (Rain Derived Infiltration and Inflow) during a storm event.
Click here for datasheet.
For more information, contact our Sales Team.

infinitii flood risk forecast
infinitii flood risk forecast combines hydrology model with Machine Learning and precipitation data for predicting flood events at discharge points.
The application identifies when and where a flood event will take up to seven days in advance
For more information, contact our Sales Team.

infinitii face
infinitii face is the “flowworks advanced calculation engine” (face) that creates new data from incoming channels using math, statistics and logic equations for real-time analysis.
For more information, contact our Sales Team.

Case Studies and Customer Scenarios
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